490 BCE
Battle of Marathon
The battle of Marathon was the first battle in the Persian war that was won by the Greeks. They formed a phalanx formation when they fought. This formation is when the fighters lined up side by side with spears and shields. After the Greeks won the battle, Pheidippides ran 26 miles to tell the Athens of the victory in Marathon of the Greeks. -
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae
The battle of Thermopylae was the second war part of the Persian war. The Greeks came together to stop Xerxes from taking over Athens. There where 300 Spartans plus 700 others part of the Greeks and 10,000 Persians that they were against. The Spartans tried to keep a Thermopylae, a mountain pass, but lost it after 3 days. The Spartans also found a secret passageway that was a trail through the mountain. -
480 BCE
Battle of Salamis
The battle of the Salamis was the last battle part of the Persian war. It was considered the battle of the sea because the Greeks sunk ½ of the Persians fleet. When this battle was over the Greeks won the Persian war. -
Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden Age
The Athens became very wealthy and powerful after the Persian war ended. This was considered the Golden Age. The Greeks formed the Delian League. The Delian League is an alliance with the Greek city-states that provided common defense against the Persian empire. Also, the Athens took advantage of the other city-states because they had so much power and money. They forced the Greeks into being a part of their league, if they left their city-state the Athens would enslave them. -
Period: 460 BCE to 400 BCE
Thucydides is a historian who wrote the primary source of the Peloponnesian war. His book was called, “History of the Peloponnesian war”. Which contained all the details of the Peloponnesian war. He provided a very accurate account for this war. -
431 BCE
Peloponnesian war cause
The Peloponnesian war began when the Athenians became too powerful as the leader of the Delian League. This league built a powerful navy and trading empire. Many of the Greek city-states wanted to leave the Delian League because they had to pay the harsh Delian league membership free. The problem was that the Athenians would punish every city-state from leaving by conquering those city-states and colonizing them with Athenians. This started the Peloponnesian war. -
Period: 430 BCE to 430 BCE
Plague of Athens
The plague of Athens was when leader of Athens, Pericles, brought all of the citizens behind the city's-wall for protection. The Athens where under a plague in the second year of fighting. One third of their population died, including Pericles due to this plague. Sparta ended up winning this war but both sides were so weakened by this war it didn't matter because of the illness that went around killed many friends and family members. -
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the Great rule
Alexander the Great conquered Greece with no effort after the Peloponnesian war because Greece was so weakened by the war. He was then the leader of Greece and was a very harsh leader. He killed children and women for no reason when he was fighting. His goal when he was fighting was to destroy the whole town he was fighting in. He would make his army burn down buildings for no good reason. -
Period: 322 to 320
Hellenistic War
The Hellenistic war is consisted of Alexander’s empire combined with the four great empires (Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India). This was like this because there are different kinds of knowledge and ideas in each empire. Greece was a part of this to because they influenced the eastern knowledge and Ideas. Alexandria, Egypt was known as the city of knowledge. Many Philosophers, and Scientists studied in Alexandria.