
  • 499 BCE

    Politics: the Persian Wars begin

    Ionian Greeks rebel against Persia, Sparking the Persian wars
  • Period: 499 BCE to 479 BCE

    Politics: The Persian Wars

    A period of time during which Greece was at war with Persia
  • Period: 496 BCE to 406 BCE

    Art: Sophocles' life

    Sophocles wrote plays about the consequences of immoderate-ness. Though he wrote 123 plays, only seven survive today.
  • Period: 485 BCE to 406 BCE

    Art: Euripides' life

    Euripides wrote plays that were very critical of war, and painted it as being a beastly cruel thing to do, rather than being noble or bringing glory.
  • 480 BCE

    Politics: The Delian League is founded.

    Politics: The Delian League is founded.
    The Delian League was founded to fend off attacks on Greece by Persia
  • 479 BCE

    Politics: The Persian wars end

    Politics: The Persian wars end
    Greece wins significant battles over Persia, ending the Persian wars, Athens gains unofficial control of the Delian league.
  • 469 BCE

    Philosophy: Socrates is born

    Philosophy: Socrates is born
    Socrates was a philosopher who focused on the individual and invented the Socratic method
  • Period: 448 BCE to 380 BCE

    Art: Aristophanes' life

    Aristophanes wrote comedy that tackled serious topics about politics, government, and philosophy.
  • 431 BCE

    Politics: The Peloponnesian League is founded

    Politics: The Peloponnesian League is founded
    The Peloponnesian League is formed by Sparta as a counter to the Delian league because Sparta feels Athens is abusing its power.
  • 429 BCE

    Philosophy: Plato is born

    Philosophy: Plato is born
    Plato believed that a good community made good individuals. He had a theory that what we see is only a shadow of reality and the real thing existed elsewhere.
  • 421 BCE

    Politics: The Leagues form a truce

    The Delian League and the Pelopennesian League form a truce because disease is spreading rapidly.
  • 404 BCE

    Politics: Sparta defeats Athens

    After the truce between the Delian League (Lead by Athens) and the Pelopenessian League (Lead by Sparta) is broke, Sparta invades Athens and does major damage. This is the end of Athenian hegemony.
  • Period: 400 BCE to 301 BCE

    Greece destabilizes

    After Athens is stripped of power the city-states of greece begin fighting among themselves and Greece slowly becomes fragmented and incapable of unity.
  • 399 BCE

    Philosophy: The Death of Socrates

    Philosophy: The Death of Socrates
    Socrates was ordered to be killed by poisoning on charges of corrupting the children.
  • 387 BCE

    Philosophy: Plato founds the Academy

    The first Academy was a place for young minds to learn about new concepts and ideas.
  • 384 BCE

    Philosophy: Aristotle is born

    Philosophy: Aristotle is born
    Aristotle rejected the idea that reality was elsewhere and believed that what we have here is important. He believed in "The golden mean" and that moderation is key. He was the most influential philosopher of his time.
  • 347 BCE

    Philosophy: Plato dies

  • 323 BCE

    The End of Greece

    Greece is conquered by Alexander of Macedonia.
  • 322 BCE

    Philosophy: Aristotle dies