Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE
Persian war
Persia tried to invade Greece 3 times. They wanted to keep expanding their empire and could not. The fought at Marathon, Thermopylae, and at sea. 2 of the 3 battles were fought on land and 1 at sea. The battle at sea, Battle of Salamis, is where the Greeks had the biggest advantage because of their strong navy. They were liberated for the threat of Persia. -
Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden age
With all the money Athens has gotten from the Delian League they started to rebuild. They rebuilt homes, temples, and other things. This only happened in Athens, and not in any other city-state. They had so much money that they thought to rebuild and expand, as well as improving their entertainment with theaters and plays. All this wealth and power got to there heads and started to conquer anyone who tried to leave or not pay them. Causing Sparta to say No no no. -
Period: 478 BCE to 404 BCE
Delian League
Athens created the Delian League so that they more powerful and had a common defense against the enemy. Athens and other city states were in control of the Delian League. They had chances to expand and ended up colonizing near them in Turkey, along the Black Sea, and Islands. This made Athens very powerful, and wealthy, this caused a big make over to Athens. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian League
Sparta created the Peloponnesian League to be able to counter the Delian League. Sparta and other smaller city states were apart of it, but Sparta was the leader. They did this so they could stop Athens from taking over control over everyone. In doing so this created a war between Athens and Sparta. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian war
Sparta and some other smaller city states fought against Athens. This was fought near athens and later on happened in the walls. Sparta wanted to end Athens rule because it was getting out of hand and if they did not stop them then they would have conquered all of Greece. This war did not help either of them but Sparta “won” after a certain event. -
Period: 430 BCE to 427 BCE
Plague in Athens
Since Athens hid in their city some sort of illness would had spread. There ended up being a deadly disease in the walls. Since all of the of the citizens were so close together it spread like a wildfire. This weakened Athens severely and Sparta had lost a lot of men which made it easier to conquer. -
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the Great conquering Greece
Alexander the Great's Father took the opportunity to take over Greece since Persia could not. After taking over Persia, and Egypt they held the most power in the land. He wanted to avenge his father's death. With all this power and knowledge he wanted to create a city after him. -
331 BCE
Alexandria City
Alexander the Great created a City after him and making it a learning center, because of all the combined knowledge of the 4 empires he took over. He also created a new culture known as Hellenism. In this city there were great libraries, galleries, zoos, gardens, and dining halls. This is where all of the great greek philosophers studied. This was also a great advancement in their art as in sculptures, painting, and music.