1000 BCE
Formation of the Greek city-states
The formation of Greek city-states began between 1000 BC and 500 BC. Many many more city-states would also form around Greece. The reason why that happened, is becasuse in the landscpe helped the develop of the city-states. -
776 BCE
Firts Olympic Games
The First Olympic Games begun in 776 BC. The games where held in honor of Zeus which was the king of all the gods. The games where staged every four years at the sanctuary of Zeus, in Olympia. Though, not every one in Ancient Greece was allowed to compete in the Olympic Games. In fact, only free Greek male citizens were allowed to compete in the Olyimpics Game. -
490 BCE
The Persian War
Athens, one of the Greek city-state, was informed about the Persian War, which lead them to send some of their military equipent. The Greeks defeated the Persians. One thing that helped them deafeat Persia, was their ability of fighting at sea. -
447 BCE
Building the Parthenon
The construcion of the Parthenon began in 447 BC. It was built during Athen's Gold Age. It was dedicated to the Goddes Athena. The Parthenon is an example of how successful Greece was during Athen's Gold Age. -
146 BCE
Rome Conquers Greece
Rome conquered Greece from 200 BC to 86 BC. The Romans made Greece into a province of the Roman Empire. Rome incorporated and speread much of the culture, religion and civization of Ancient Greece. -
The Byzantine Empire
The Byzantine Empire, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle Age. Its capital city was Costantinople, which had been founded as Byzantium. This Empire was the most powerful, economic, cultural and military force in Europe. -
Fall of Constantinople
The Ottoman Empire conquered the capital of the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, by an army on 1453 AD. The capture of Costantinople, marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. For some historians, this event represent the end of the Middle Age. -
Greek War of Independence
The Greek War of Indedpendence, also known as the Greek Revolution, was a War of Independence undertaken by the Greek revolutionaries against the Ottoman Empire between 1821 AD and 1832 AD. The Greeks were assisted by Russian and Great Britain as well as other European Powers. Greece was finally recognized as an Independent Nation on 1832 with the Treaty of Costantinople. -
Restoration of Democracy
In 1974 King Costantine ii was removed through a referendum. A democratic republic was created. After the restoration of democracy Greece gained stability and its economy improved significantly. -
Greece Today
Today Greece is known as a republic, and the President is Prokopis Pavlopolos. He is been the President of Greece since 2015. From 2009 Greece is facing a strong economical crisis.