
By vic69
  • 264

    The Punic Wars

    !st war was in 264,Rome gained sicity,sardina,anc carsica.2nd 218 BCE, Hannibas crosses Pyrennes and Alps with Elephants but lose.Final war was in 149 BCE, Romans completely detroyed Carthage.
  • 323

    Alexander's Empire Ends

    After his death his empire was divided into 3 major kingdoms;each ruled by one of his generals.Macedonia-including part of Greece was governed by Antigonus l.Syria was governed by Seleucus l, and Egypt was ruled by Ptolemy l.These kingdoms maintained their independence for a while, they fell under the rule of Rome.
  • 336

    Alexander the Great

    The son of Philip ll, took over as king when his father was stabbed to death. He conquered the entire Persian Empire,Asia,Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, and Persia.He built a city in Egypt, he named it for himself.Alexander's empire was the greatest then known. on his journey back home he fell suddenly ill and dies at Babylon at age 33.
  • 431

    Peloponnesian War

    SParta attacked Athens, beginning the brutal 27-year-long Peloponnesian War.One out four people in AThens died shortly after the war began.Faced with starvarion, Athens surrendered to Sparta in 404BC.The War robbed Athens of it's Golden age.
  • Aug 24, 1500


    The Mycenaens were technically the first Greeks and their writing sytem was similar to the Minoans, but they called it Linear B.Just like the Minoans they were great sailors and traders, the Mycenaens lifestyle inspired many legneds including the Trojan War. They ended very quickly as well as the Minoans 1100 BCE
  • Augustus (Exalted One)

    he was the first Emperor of Rome, He changed his name after defating Antony. He rules for 40 years, and th e500 year ebuplic ends. Augustus made a lot of improvemnts he has a police force, fire brigade, and he came up with stockpiled food & water.
  • Fundation of Rome

    City of Rome was founded in 509 BCE, Romans overthrownthem and create a republic.Law of 12 tables was created in 144 and was publicly displayed in the
  • The persian War (2nd Invasion)

    King Darius Had died and his son, Xerxes, led an even bgger attack on the. The Spartan King Leonidas put together a group of 30 best soldiers to meet the Perisians at Thermopylae, they held off the entir Persian Army (200,00) for three days! When all 300 Spartans die, and The Persians made it through Thermopyle, the rest of Greece waiting for them won !
  • The Persian Wars

    The Greeks in Ionia rebelled against Persian rule in 499 BCE, since the Persian had a huge army so they asked the ohter Greeks on th e mainland to help them out.King Darius from The Persian dint like this and launched a full invasion on Greece. The First Invasion was in 490 BCE Darius and his soldiers sailed across the Aegean Sea and attacked the Greeks at the city of Marathon.The Athens sent their troop to Marathon to help with the attack.The Athenians won.
  • minoans

    The minoans devoloped on the island of Crete,they were experts sailors and shipbuilders.their capital was the city of Knossos on Crete, their writing system is known as Linear A. They fell quickly historians believe that a volcano broght a end to the minoans they ended in 1400 BCE.