

  • 3000 BCE

    The History of Greece

    The History of Greece
    So, the first Greek civilization developed around this time ( Editors). Their capitol was at Knossos ( Editors). During these ancient time the country was divided into city-states, they were rules by noblemen ( The largest were the Athens Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth ( Each state had controlle of their territory, and sometime they were at war with the other states (
  • 1900 BCE

    The Mycenaeans

    The Mycenaeans
    The Mycenaeans were Indo-Europeans ( Editors). They claimed their capitol at the city of Mycenae ( Editors). The Mycenaeans extended their influence throughout the Pelponnese in Greece (Cartwright Mark).
  • 1100 BCE

    The Dark Ages

    The Dark Ages
    This period of time was a confusing time in Greek history ( Editors). Around 1100 B.C there was a violent invasion by the Dorians ( Editors). Some of these people settled in the upper Greek Peninsula ( Editors). There was a state of Greek that didn't become a part of the Greek pattern, this city was called Sparta ( Editors).
  • 900 BCE


    The Greeks were interested in athletic, they were one of the few cultures that became interested in that ( Editors). The Greeks were amazed by the human body ( Editors). Greek literature was very varied ( Editors). They wrote philosophy, epic poetry, drama, and history ( Editors).
  • 650 BCE


    This was a city of Greek that didn't become a part of the pattern of the other Greek states ( Editors). This city was more interested in war rather than trade and agriculture ( Editors). The individualism was suppressed because they wanted to make every male into a solider ( Editors). In the early lives of the baby boys they were judge weather or not to be in the Spartan military regime (
  • 490 BCE

    The Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars
    During this year a new leader came on the world scene ( Editors). His name was Cyrus (also known as Cyrus the great) ( Editors). Greco-Persian Wars, which was called Persian Wars, hada series of wars that was fought by Greek states and Persia over a period of almost half a century (Cartwright Mark). Although the Persian empire was at the peak of its strength, the, the defense made by the Greeks overcame over the impossible odds. (Cartwright Mark).
  • 460 BCE

    The Golden Age of Greece

    The Golden Age of Greece
    It was Athens' finest hour, then it led the Greek world in a great outpouring of culture ( Editors). One thing of the Golden Age was the energetic commerce ( Editors). Athenian merchants, having broadened their knowledge of both from the outside world ans the sea at war with Persia, they began to trade all over the Aegean and the Mediterranean seas ( Editors). There rock-walled harbor had begun by Themistocles and it was completed (the port was called Piraeus).
  • 433 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War
    The war was between the Athens and Corinth ( Editors). Within the walls, the Athens were crowded ( Editors). The city was filled with refugees from the countryside ( Editors). A terrible plague spread unto the people killing thousands ( Editors). Funeral pyres burned all night and day, this was the greatest tragedy of all times ( Editors). This fighting had continued for ten years ( Editors).
  • 359 BCE

    The Rise of Macedonia

    The Rise of Macedonia
    All the Greek states was weakened by all the wars they fought ( Editors). Three years later Phillip struck at Olympus and sold the populace into slavery ( Editors). Athens, slow and kept from retaliating by bad weather, sent a delegation to negotiate ( Editors). Phillip flattered his visitros but he wouldn't sign any of the treaties that they offered him ( Editors). They became disappointed Arcadia and Argos called Phillip a hero ( Editors).
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Alexander the Great left an amazing, new (kind of) legacy ( Editors). We know empires have been built before, but nothing compared from his conquests ( Editors). When Alexander the Great died, at the age of thirty-two, he reigned over a big territory ( Editors). This territory reached from the modern Macedonia in the north to Egypt in the South, a clear through the Middle East to the border of India ( Editors). He had a huge territory!