
GrecoRoman Timeline

  • 750 BCE

    Homer writes the Iliad

  • 750 BCE

    Homer wrote the Odyssey

  • 700 BCE

    Greek Mythology

  • 700 BCE

    Greece shift from barter to money economy (coins)

  • 600 BCE

    Solon and Draco worked for reform

  • 508 BCE

    When Athens was founded

  • 500 BCE

    When sparta was founded

  • 500 BCE

    Athen's Government switch to a Democracy

  • 500 BCE

    Sparta becomes an Oligarchy

  • 500 BCE

    Phidias built the statue of Zeus and Athena

  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Athens and Sparta vs Persia
  • 458 BCE

    Aeschylus writes the Agamemnon

  • 447 BCE

    Pericles rebuilt the parthenon

  • 441 BCE

    Sophocles writes the Antigone

  • 431 BCE

    Athens creates Delian League

  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Athens vs Sparta
  • 429 BCE

    Pericles expanded Democracy

  • 425 BCE

    Herodotus wrote the Histories

  • 411 BCE

    Thucydides wrote the Histories

  • 400 BCE

    Roman Mythology

  • 339 BCE

    King Philip conquered most of Greece

  • 336 BCE

    King Philip II dies, Replaced by his son, Alexander the Great

  • Period: 336 BCE to 328 BCE

    Alexander the Great's Conquest

  • 323 BCE

    Hellenistic Age

  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Rome vs Carthage
  • 53 BCE

    First Trimuvirate

  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar is Assassinated

  • 31 BCE

    Augustus Caesar defeats Marc Anotny

  • 180

    Pax Romana begins

    180 AD
  • 284

    Rome spilts it's empire to Eastern and Western Rome

    284 AD
  • 306

    Constantine becomes emperor

    306 AD
  • 313

    Christianity becomes Rome's official Religion

    313 AD
  • 313

    Christianity spreads in Rome

    313 AD
  • 337

    Constantine moves Rome's Capital to Constantinople

    337 AD
  • 337

    Constantine dies

    337 AD
  • 476

    Rome Falls

    476 AD
  • 1054

    Greek Orthodox church begins