Steam Engine by Thomas Necomen
Steam Engines were first made to pump water out of mines, to limit flooding problems. IN 1764, James Watt made it more advanced for working machinery and powering locomotives and steam ships-which helped a lot in trade. "Thomas Newcomen." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 May 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Newcomen. -
Flying Shuttle by John Kay
John Cay invented the flying shuttle, to speed up weaving. It was said to be "a speed which cannot be imagined, so great that the shuttle can only be seen like a tiny cloud which disappears the same instant."-Roland de la Platière "John Kay (flying Shuttle)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kay_(flying_shuttle). -
Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney
Eli invented theis machine to separate seeds from raw cotton easily and fastly. "Cotton Gin." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Dec. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_gin. -
Interchangeable Parts by Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney thought of the benefit that intercahngeable parts will bring him. The gun parts were created into muskets with identical mechanism and parts. In 1798, he made his first interchangeable gun parts and they were given to the American Congress.
"Interchangeable Parts." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 July 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. -
Steam Locomotives by Richard Trevithick
It was the first successful locomotive, there were many failure attempts. The first route was from Liverpool to Manchester. It was used for trading and transportation of goods. It was cheaper and faster than ships. "Steam Locomotive." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_locomotive. -
Steel by WIlliam Kelly and Henry Bessemer
Both William and Henry discovered a new process of making steel. They made steel from iron, so they could make it with cheaper prices. It became lighter , stronger and durabl. "303 Stainless Steel." The Variety Of Uses For Stainless Steel Depends On Particular Grade Of Material. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://www.buy304stainlesssteel.com/303-stainless-steel/. -
Dynamite by Alfred Nobel
Alfred invented the dynamite for good cause, it was supposedly built for construction and mines but instead it was and still is used for war.
"Norfork Dam Construction - Encyclopedia of Arkansas." Norfork Dam Construction - Encyclopedia of Arkansas. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/media-detail.aspx?mediaID=7582. -
The Electric Light Bulb by Thomas Edison
This was the first date for a successful light bulb. It spread around the world quickly and it helped factories and it changed the way people were living, "Thomas Edison." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison. -
Car by Karl Benz
It was the second model of his invention, because the first model was a fail and it was fueled by gas. The car was invented to make transportation easier for people in the streets. "Karl Benz." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Benz. -
Airplanes by Orville and Willbur Wright
The Wright brothers had many attempts of flying until they could do it. 15 years later, they flew everywhere and they were in World War I. "Wright Brothers." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Dec. 2012. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright_brothers.