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Greatest Era Ever 4 | 1750 - 1900

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    French and Indian War in North America

    The French and Indian war was, ironically, not fought between the French and Native Americans, but the French and the British. It was a spillover of the seven years war into their North American colonies that began with the French taking control in many battles but subsequently ended with a British victory.
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    Seven Years War

    The seven years wars was, in short, a battle for European dominance between two groups that encircled nearly every single nation residing in France. The war concluded with a British victory, one which altered the European power structure permanently.
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    Creation of the Steam Engine

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    Captain James Cook’s exploration of the pacific

  • Establishment of the US

    Establishment of the US
    The establishment of the United States not only showed the rise of a new major power onto the world stage, but showed that it was possible to resist not only an oppressive rule, but British rule.
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    French Revolution

    • Bourbon kings resided in Versailles Palace (v expensive)
    • France had hella war debts (War of Spanish Succession, Seven Years’ War, American Revolution…)
    • Droughts, war debts and nobility ignoring spending restrictions made Louis XVI need to raise taxes and get everyone on board
    • Called meeting of Estates-General, a “governing body” that hadn’t met in 175 years
    • Third state broke away and formed National Assembly
    • Wrote Declaration of Rights of Man
    • New constitution in 1791
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The invention of the cotton gin was a turning point in American history, and as such, majorly affected the world stage. The invention turned slavery, which was declining in north america back into a major industry again. This burst in exports boosted America back onto the forefront of the world stage in terms of GDP.
  • Haiti Founded

    Haiti Founded
    The Haitian revolution set a precedent for the first completely (but only) successful slave rebellion and revolt towards equality and freedom
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    Latin American Wars for Independance

    American and french revolutions and ideals of enlightenment latin americans to form independence movements
    Haiti was first LA nation to declare independence in 1804
    Creole leaders spread revolutionary ideas throughout Spanish and Portuguese colonies (resentful of peninsulares)
    Although most Latin American countries had independence by 1825, power was still in the hands of the elite, a combination of Creoles, Caudillos and military leaders
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    Opium Wars

    The Opium Wars, also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars, divided into the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842 and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860. These were the climax of disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire
  • Publishing of communist manifesto

    Publishing of communist manifesto
    Karl Marx
    Wanted to put means of production in hands of the people
    Communist Manifesto
    Struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat… proletariat would gain power and create classless society
    Marx’s theory was adopted by Bolsheviks in Russia and the Soviet Union would become first communist nation
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    The Taiping Rebellion

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    Nian, Muslim, Tungan, and Taiping Rebellions

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    Sepy Rebellion

  • Works of Charles Darwin Published

    Works of Charles Darwin Published
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    Construction of Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal is actually the first canal that directly links the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. It was opened for navigation on the 17 th of November 1869. Egypt nationalized the canal on the 26 th of July 1956.
  • The Emanciption of The Russian Serfs

    The Emanciption of The Russian Serfs
    Emancipating the serfs in 1861 was an extraordinarily key event which catapulted Russia into the 20th century. At the time Alexander II obtained the position of Tsar, during the Crimean war conflict in 1855, fifty million of the sixty million legal occupants of Russia were serfs. Inhumane treatment, rape and torture topped the long list of how serfs were treated daily.
  • Beginning of the Meiji Era

    The Meiji Restoration - Sought to save Japan from foreign domination by transforming society based on Western civilization and committed a break with the past → Japan flourished
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    Boxer Rebellion

  • All-India Muslim League Founded

    It was a political party which advocated the creation of a separate Muslim-majority nation, Pakistan. It emerged from the Aligarh Movement, formed originally to promote a modern education for Muslims. It was founded by the All India Muhammadan Educational Conference at Dhaka.