Greatest Engineering Achievement

  • First Airplane

    First Airplane
    The Wright brothers built the first airplane. They did 4 test flight off of the sand dunes at Kitty Hawk (The Wright Brothers). The first airplane was very impressive at its time
  • The Moon Landing

    The Moon Landing
    Another event that directly caused by the invention of airplanes was space travel. The moon landing is an event that everybody that was alive during remembers. In a race to beat the Russians, we put three astronauts on the moon. This has lead to many other advancements including the National Space Center where they conduct Science experiments that they cant do on earth.
  • Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers

    Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers
    One event that airplanes allowed was 9/11. On that tragic day, five planes were hijacked two of which were flown into the Twin Towers killing many. After this event airport security has become a lot more serious.
  • Airplanes Now

    Airplanes Now
    Airplanes have come a long way from when the Wright brother had thir first flight. Now we see planes all over the world. An average of 8 million people flies every day.
  • Airplane Improvements

    Airplane Improvements
    The first airplane could only do short flights and was not made out of the most stable material, it was built to be light. Now we fly airplanes across the world and we consider it as normal. This is because airplanes are stronger and safer. Commercial planes are fully enclosed and have seats, they are also made of a sturdier material that what Orvil and Wilber used when they were building the first airplane.
  • Works Cited

    “The Wright Brothers: The First Successful Airplane.” The Wright
    Brothers | The First Successful Airplane,