Charlemagne hero ab

Great King Charlemagne 742-814

  • Apr 2, 742

    Charlemagne's birth

    Charlemagne's birth
    Charles 1 was born on April 2, 742 somewhere in the area of present day Germany. He was the son of the current king of the Franks, Pepin III.
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  • Oct 6, 768

    Charlemagne's Father Dies

    Charlemagne's Father Dies
    Pippin who is Charlemagne's father died on this date and it left Charlemagne and his brother Carloman as the sole rulers of the Frank Empire in Europe.
  • Apr 7, 771

    Charlemagne becomes the sole ruler

    Charlemagne becomes the sole ruler
    In the year 771. Charlemagne's brother Carloman died and this left Charlemagne as the sole ruler of the Frank Empire in Europe.
  • May 15, 774

    Charlemange Conquers the Lombardy people

    Charlemange Conquers the Lombardy people
    Charlemagne was an excellent military leader. He was very smart in his tactics that he used. Charlemagne was very dedicated to wanting to unite all the Germanic peoples so he waged many wars to unite them. The first ones that he conquered were the Lombardy people.
  • Mar 6, 781

    Charlemagne makes a pilgrimage to Italy

    Charlemagne makes a pilgrimage to Italy
    In the year 781 King Charlemagne made a pilgrimage to Italy with his 2 sons. Carloman and Louis. When he went to Italy he asked the Pope to crown his son Carloman the king of Italy. It was tradition in the middle ages for Kings to have their sons as their sons lead part of their kingdom in his name.
  • Jun 25, 782

    Charlemagne murders the Saxon people

    Charlemagne murders the Saxon people
    In the year 782 after a three decades long war between Charlemagne's empire and the Saxon people. He is in control of them and he orders all the Saxon people to convert to Christianity or face death. At this time the Saxon people led another revolt against Charlemagne so he ordered 4,500 of the Saxon prisoners to be put to death. This was a very harsh stance and he said whoever else doesn't convert to Christianity that they will also be killed.
  • Oct 8, 787

    Charlemagne launches his education reform

    Charlemagne launches his education reform
    King Charlemagne launches an education revolution in his empire. And he promotes learning across all of his empire which is basically all of Europe. He promotes the printing of books and learning Latin. He makes it easier for everyone on the continent to communicate because they are all learning Latin. His education reform was one of the most important things he's done and its effects are still evident even today.
  • May 13, 796

    Charlemagne begins construction of the Aachen Cathedral

    Charlemagne begins construction of the Aachen Cathedral
    Aachen was the city of residence of Charlemagne. It was the political center of the Frank Empire in Europe. Charlemagne wanted to spread Christianity throughout Europe so he had a Cathedral built in this city. This cathedral is also where Charlemagne was buried once he died.
  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne is crowned Emperor by the Pope

    Charlemagne is crowned Emperor by the Pope
    Pope Leo III is attacked in the streets of Rome and he goes to King Charlemagne for help. King Charlemagne helps him get back to his Cathedral safely. The Pope is so grateful for Charlemagne's help that on Christmas day in the year 800. The Pope crowned King Charlemagne as the emperor of Europe.
  • Oct 9, 804

    The End of the Saxon Wars

    The End of the Saxon Wars
    King Charlemagne during his time as king has always wanted to unite all the Frank people and convert them all to Christianity.The Saxon people have been against Charlemagne because they did not want to change from their religious views.So they waged a long war against Charlemagne that lasted more than 3 decades.The Saxon people finally agreed to Charlemagne's terms and they accepted Christianity as their religion.
  • Jan 28, 814

    King Charlemagne's Death

    King Charlemagne's Death
    On the 28th of January, 814. King Charlemagne died in Aachens. He was buried on the same day he died at the Aachens Cathedral that he built. Although King Charlemagne died his empire continued through his son Louis. Louis ensured that Charlemagne's great empire didn't vanish from Europe.