
Astronomical Discoveries

  • Jan 1, 1543


    Nicolaus Copernicus discovered the theory of Heliocentrism. And his book about heliocentrism was published in 1543 in which then people thought that Earth was the centre of the galaxy. He thought, what if Earth isn't the centre of the Earth. So he wrote a book and the book was published in 1543. He became the symbol of a brave scientist, defending his theories against judgements and beliefs during his time.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Using some information from Tycho Brahe, his colleague, Kepler was determined that planets traveled around the sun not in circles but in the shape of ellipses. From that, he calculated three laws about how planets move that astronomers still use in calculations today.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo had confirmed Copernicus' guess. But did find out by guessing, he had used science. Even though his telescope an ameteur telescope, he was still able to dicover amazing things. Using his teleschope, he discovered sunspots and some moons of Jupiter. He didn't guess at all when he discovered these things.
  • Gravity

    As everyone knows, Isaac Newton saw an apple fall from a tree and thought of gravity. He knew that when the apple fell, the groud pulled the apple towards it instead to leaving the apple floating in the air. Then he thought what if gravity wasn't just in Earth and extended beyond Earth, beyond the Moon? His calculations changed the way of how people today understood the universe.
  • Nebulae and Comets

    Nebulae and Comets
    Over the course of his career, Charles Messier discovered 40 nebulae and 15 comets. He made a list of nebulous objects from the Northern Hemisphere known as the Messier Catalog. The Messier Catalog has locations and detailed descriptions of 110 of the brightest objects in the universe.
  • Theory of Relativity

    Theory of Relativity
    Apart from E=MC2, Albert Einstein also created the Theory of Relativity. There are 2 theories. The first one, Special Relativity states that it's impossible to determin wheter or not you are moving unless you can look at another ovject.The other one, The Theory of General Relativity states that large objects cause outer space to bend. Like a bowling ball making a rubber sheet bend more than a marble would.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Edwin Hubble found out that the Sun was part of the Milky Way and that the Milky Way/Galaxy is a vast group of stars. Since he had an interest in nebulae, he then wondered if they were also part of the group of not. After lots and lots of research, he found out that the Universe was something ALOT bigger than the imagination of any astronomer before him.
  • Period: to

    Black Holes and Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking is a famous astronomer who most people know for doing great things. Some of the things he did over years were:
    1970- Black holes can emit radiation
    1973- Balck holes can leak energy and particles into space and could even explode. Theory known as Hawking radiation
    1976- When a black hole forms, it radiates energy, and starts to get smaller and smaller.When the black hole disappears, all the information from the radiation is gone