Great Discoveries of Chemistry by Samantha Garcia

  • The Element Oxygen

    It was discovered by Joseph Priestly in the 1770's. This element is what mostly make up the rest of the other elements on the periodic table.
  • The Atomic Theory

    Dalton first discovered the atomic theory and it determined the atomic weight and the relationship between atoms.
  • Electricity Transforms Chemicals

    Humphry Davy performed an experiment where he melted pot ash and the put wires. Potassium was the outcome when reacting to chemicals.
  • Molecules

    Discovered by Avogadro, he concluded that gases are made by molecules and not just atoms.
  • Synthesis of Urea

    Stating that the building block of all matter of both organic and inorganic aren't different.
  • Periodic Table

    Elements were arranged by atomic number, electron configurations, and similar properties.
  • Chemical Structure

    The structure was found by August Kekule. He found out how molecules can form bonds.
  • Radioactivity

    Antonie Becquerel discovered how Uranium was the main source of causing radioactivity.
  • Heating Atoms

    To identify the elements, they use heat because not every element has the same color.
  • Electron

    J. J. Thomson discovered how an atom can have a negative charge, and not just a positive charge.