Stock Market Crash
16 million shares were trading on one day called black Tuesday and billions of dollars were lost -
Reconstruction Finance Corporation is signed by Hoover
President Hoover signed this Act to provide financial aid to state and local governments as well as backs and construction -
Reveue Act
This Act raised US tax rates across the board with close to a 40% increase in some areas -
Bonus March on Washington
War veterans marched on Washington seeking early bonus payments from 1945 -
Franklin D Roosevelt Takes Office
Roosevelt takes office with the goal of getting the US out of the Great Depression -
Bank Holiday
President Roosevelt proclaims all banking transactions suspended in order to get the banks back on their feet -
Social Security Act
The Social Security Act is put into place to provide old-age benefits for the general population -
United Autoworkers Sit-Down Strike
Autoworkers in Flint, Michigan occupy the General Motors Plant to establish a more fair system and pay for their work -
Congress implements first Peacetime Draft
The Selective Training and Service Act required all men 21-35 be drafted for precaution -
Executive Order 8802
Executive Order 8802 bans discrimination in defense hiring and creates the Fair Employment Practices Commision which helped African-Americans obtain equal military jobs -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japanese pilots attacked the naval base at Pearl Harbor, fully pushing the US into World War II -
Germany declares war on the United States
Germany declared war on the US the day after the US declared war on Japan, Germany's ally. This brought the United States into the European fighting and officailly made it a World War -
Japanese Relocation
All persons of Japanese descent were explelled from the west coast, many to internment camps under Executive Order 9066 -
United States surrenders at Bataan
US General Edward King Jr. surrenders his 75,000 troops at Bataan, many of which were forced to participate in the Bataan Death March. This is considered the largest American surrender in history -
Zoot Suit Riots
Riots against Mexicans in Los Angeles took place due to whites' fear of miinorities -
Invasion of Normandy
Also known as D-Day, many Allied powers invaded Normandy and defeated Germany in what sparked the downfall of the Axis powers -
Servicemen's Readjustment Act
Servicemen's Readjustment Act is put into place to give benefits to returning WWI veterans and prevent widespread unemployment