Great depression

Great Depression timeline

  • Stock market crash

    Stock market crash
    the stock market crash set a chain of events that showed the weeknesses of thr American economy, about 30 million in stock will dissapear
  • Unemployment

    More then 3.2 people are left without jobs and poverty begins to spread
  • New York bank

    New York bank
    New York bank of the U.S. collapeses loosing tons of money in deposits
  • Election

    President roosevelt is elected in a lanside victory against hoover
  • bank hoiliday

    bank hoiliday
    FDR makes a four day bank hoiliday, all banking stops for 4 days and gets everything how it should be
  • Emergency Banking Act,

    Emergency Banking Act,
    congress passes the Emergency Banking Act, giving roosevelt power to look over banks and foreign exchage
  • CCC

    The Civilian Conservation Corps is created to help young employers
  • The Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    The Federal Emergency Relief Administration
    The Federal Emergency Relief Administration is made by congress
  • The National Industrial Recovery Act

    The National Industrial Recovery Act
    The National Industrial Recovery Act is brought to congrees to maintan wages
  • Wagner National Labor Relations Act

    Wagner National Labor Relations Act
    Roosevelt signs the Wagner National Labor Relations Act to give union authority to supervise union elections