Great Depression-New Deal

By dunker3
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The reason for this crash was because everyone thinks they could move into rural areas and start a new life when instead all it did was cause the crash because the war was taking all there money to. So the banks took all their stocks when the market went down to keep the town barely breathing.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
    This was the tariff that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    They gave a couple million to aid in state and made loans to many different things like banks, railroads, mortgage associations and many other associations/ businesses around.
  • Federal Loan Home Bank Act

    Federal Loan Home Bank Act
    Fedeal law passed by the United States to lower the cost of home ownership.
  • Bonus Army Gassed

    Bonus Army Gassed
    Where a group of over 43,000 people from the service marched into Washington D.C. to demand a little cash-payment redemption of their service certificates.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt Elected

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt Elected
    This man was the 32nd president of the United States and he received 57.4% of the popular vote.
  • The Hundred Days Began

    The Hundred Days Began
    This was a special call in by Congress and also called by FDR where social legislation was enacted.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt Began Her Work as a Social Reformer

    Eleanor Roosevelt Began Her Work as a Social Reformer
    She took this position in the White House because wanted to show the world she could actually be sucessful and wanted to help out the president.
  • Frances Perkins Became First Female Cabinet Member

    Frances Perkins Became First Female Cabinet Member
    First ever alive woman to be appointed to the cabinet in the U.S. She was also known for championed many of the aspects of the New Deal.
  • John Collier Became Commissioner of Indian Affairs

    John Collier Became Commissioner of Indian Affairs
    He served in this organization for 12 years and then soon came up with the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.
  • First Fireside Chat

    First Fireside Chat
    This was a series of 30 evening radio addresses and the first media development that came around to develop faciliated and direct communication between all the people in the world and the president.
  • Glass Steagall Act

    Glass Steagall Act
    This was part of the four provisions that limited commercial bank securities activities and affiliations that had occured with commercial banks and security films.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Time where a bunch of dust storms occurred and greatly damaged the lovely agriculture of the world.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    This act guarantees the right of workers to organize and outline the legal framework for labor unions and management relations in the United States.
  • Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) built

    Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) built
    They built this dam in hopes that it would stop floods and that soon they would have hydroelectric power. All the building of this occurred during the Great Depression and caused many people to die.
  • Mary Bethune Made Head of the Division of Negro Affairs and the National Youth Administration

    Mary Bethune Made Head of the Division of Negro Affairs and the National Youth Administration
    As she was gaining this position she was named to be one of the 50 most influential women in the world. She had a great connection with the president to so if she slips up he pays for it and it puts a bad look on them for the younger region.
  • Court-Packing Plan

    Court-Packing Plan
    legislative initiative used to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and this was proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • NLRB v. Jones and Laughin Steel Corporation

    NLRB v. Jones and Laughin Steel Corporation
    This was a Supreme Court case by the United States that declared NLRB was constitutional.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization Created

    Congress of Industrial Organization Created
    This organization was used to organize all the workers in the industrial unions.
  • Grapes Of Wrath Published

    Grapes Of Wrath Published
    Its about a story that took place during the Great Depression. They soon learned that they had nothing so the family and many other people headed out to california in hope of jobs and a new life.