Great Depression

  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    Stock Market Crashes initiating the Great Depression
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    Hoover Economic Policies

    Herbert Hoover attempts to alleviate economy with supply side economic policies
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    Dust Bowl

    Soil erosion from farming malpractice spawns dust blizzards that create havoc in the U.S.
  • Election Day

    Election Day
    FDR defeats Herbert Hoover in the presidential election signaling a desire for change
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    FDR and the New Deal

    FDR enacts various social welfare programs aimed at stimulating the economy
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    FDR declares a Bank Holiday in an effort to prevent bank runs and create confidence in the banking system
  • Unemployed Americans

    Unemployed Americans
    Unemployment rate hits 25% reflecting numerous people who are out of work
  • First One Hundred Days

    First One Hundred Days
    FDR mentions the "first one hundred days" and his accomplishments in a radio address to the country called the Fireside Chats
  • US enters World War II

    US enters World War II
    U.S. declares War on Japan, officially entering WWII
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    World War II

    U.S. factory production for effort kick start economy and bring the US out of the depression