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The great depression
The great depression was a national nightmare during the 1920 many Americans had started to equate their self worth with their material possessions when the great depression struck people felt worth less -
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Black Tuesday
share prices on the New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression. -
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20th amendment
The 20th amendment was written because the constitution was ratified to reduce the amount of time lame duck presidents and congressmen had to push policies before the new administration and legislators -
Robert Taft
Taft was the senates main opponent of Franklin Roosevelt new deal domestic policies he felt the new deal socialism. During his first term in the senate Taft criticized what he had believed was the inefficiency and waste of many new deal programs and business restore the nations economy instead of relying upon government -
Gold reserve act
The gold reserve act most private possessions of gold forcing individuals to sell it to the treasure after which was stored in the nationalization of a committer would have been a huge controversy -
Migrant Mother
ms lang was hired by the government to photograph the effects of the great depression her images revealed her compassion for the poor -
Dust Bowl
The dust bowl