
Great Chinese Empire

  • Period: 581 to 618

    The Sui Dynasty

    Yang Chien of northern China defeated southern China. He united the north and south to become the great empire of Chin. He was named the new emperor, and this was the beginning of the Sui Dynasty.
  • 604

    The Grand Canal

    The Grand Canal
    In 604, Emperor Yangdi decided to dig a new river that connected the north and south of China.The people of China dug it by hand, and they became very bitter toward the empire and they rebelled.
  • Period: 618 to 907

    Tang Dynasty

    Li Yuan became the emperor of China, he wanted the Chinese people to be prosperous and content. They learned to print books, become jewelers, artists, they became rich, wore silk clothes and ate well.They are known for the invention of gunpowder