Robert Bakewell used selective breeding to develop the New Leicester sheep. -
Inventions and innovations
Thomas Newcomen built the first commercially successful steam engine to pump water out of Arthur Young -
Arthur Young wrote about the new methods. -
Science and learning
Alessandro Volta invented the battery. -
The Ragged Schools Union was set up to give schooling to very poor children. -
the Ragged Schools Union was set up to give schooling to very poor children -
Forster's Act set up state-funded board schools for primary education. -
423 million passengers travelled on 16,000 miles of line. -
Toynbee the first historians of the Industrial Revolution thought that the industrial growth had been stimulated by Britain's trade. -
Science and learning
John Pemberton invented Coca Cola. -
The sign of four
Miss morstan visits sherlok holmes and shows him the pearls and the letter. -
The sign of four
They meet Thaddeus Sholto and he tells them about his father and the treasure. -
The sign of four
They take a cab whit Thaddeus Sholto to Ponchery Lodge. -
The sign of four
They arrive at Pondicherry Lodge. -
The sign of four
Holmes and Watson find footprints and marks in the room made by someone with a wooden leg. -
The sign of four
Sherlok Holmes uses his magnifying glass to examine the secret room. -
The sign of four
Inspector Jones arrests Thaddeddeus Sholto for the murder of his brother. -
The sign of four
Watson goes to Lambeth and borrous a dog called Toby. -
The sign of four
Toby follows the smell of the tar and leads Holmes and Watson to a house next to the river. -
The sign of four
Holmes tries to find mordecai Smith and the Aurora. -
The sign of four
Inspector Lastrade,Holmes and Watson chase the Aurora in the police boat.They kill the native and catch the man with the wooden leg. -
The sign of four
Jonathan Small tells the story of the Agra Treasure snd the Sign of Four. -
Inventions and innovations
The coal industry employed a million men in 3,000 collieries. -
Musson and Robinson credited science and technology