This time period was from the founding of the US until about 1880. These people were considered the "old wave" immigrants. They came from Ireland, Germany, and England. -
The Potato Famine caused many Irish to move west. People couldn't eat. People also couldn't work because most of the people there were farmers. -
MIGRATION Creation of the Transcontinental Railroad
The creation of the Transcontinental Railroad made it a lot easier to migrate to the west. By 1890, there were about 180,000 miles of track down. Many people took advantage of this, and this also increased the population of the west. -
MIGRATION Homestead Act
The Homestead Act enticed very many people to move to the west. This act gave 160 acres of land to those who would make the move to the west. 600,000 people took advantage of this act, heavily increasing the population of people in west. -
MIGRATION Treaty of Fort Laramie
The Treaty of Fort Laramie made the SIoux agree to live on a reservation. This was one of the first instances where Native Americans migrated because of the gov't. This also sort of ended the ongoing fight between farmers and Natives. -
MIGRATION Urbanization
Between 1870 to 1920 the urban population went from 10 million to 54 million. This growth revitalized the cities, but also made the poor population greater. It was very hard to find jobs in this time. -
MIGRATION Cattle Industry
The Cattle Industry enticed a lot people to move to the west. Many profited from the growing industry. This was until there were a lot more cattle ranchers than cattle, and then needed to be something else to get people to move to the west. -
IMMIGRATION Chinese Exclusion Act
1st piece of legislation aimed at a particular race to stop enterting the country. This stopped immigration from China pretty much. Chinese immigrants were only allowed to come if they were considered to be of importance into American society. -
IMMIGRATION Elongated process at Ellis Island
People were sort of harsassed in order to be allowed into the US. Asked a lot of questions, and even observed like animals, to see if they should be allowed into the US. Some were not even allowed in, after the long process. -
MIGRATION Great Migration
During WWI there was a decrease in european immigration, and a decrease in the male population. This made it possible for African Americans to move north and work in factories. This was due to the fact that there were so many job openings while white men were away at war. -
From 1880 to 1920. About 1 million people per year came to America. South, central, and eastern Europeans came to America. People began to create groups in fear and disgust of immigrants. -
The Dust Bowl forced many people in the midwest to leave their homes. The quickest way out was on route 66, so most headed straight to California. Most had to find work as farmhands in the Pacific Coast States. -
MIGRATION Great Depression
Many men left their homes in search of a job. Since the Depression was so bad, they would just stay put in a place after they uprooted, to see what would happen when the Depression was over. Some wouldn't go with their families because they felt so bad, they would leave, and live on the streets by themselves. -
During WWII people uprooted themselves, and went to where they were needed. Lots of families moved west to help in the defense industry. African Americans moved North again to work in factories. -
Automania caused a spike in migration because people had the ability to go places whenever they want. People moved all over because they could go wherever, with whoever. Automania also increased the size of Suburbia. -
MIGRATION Development of Park Forest
Park Forest developed because cars made it easier for people to move away from the city. The cars gave people the opportunity to commute from their homes to the city to work. Park Forest was just one example of the migration of people to Suburbia. -
IMMIGRATION Revolving Door Era
Began with the Immigration and Naturalization act of 1965. Replaced quota system with "preference" system. Immigration went up to 60%. -
IMMIGRATION Preference System
People were allowed in the country if their families were already here. Also allowed in because they could be of value to the country. Brain drained other countries because all their smart people wanted to come to America. -
Began in 1920 and ended in 1965, smallest of the eras. Immigration shifted back to Northwest europeans like british and germans. More refugees were brought into the country after communist take overs, and war (WWII). -
MIGRATION Americans on the Move
Between 1990 and 2000 Northeastern states lost the most amount of people. Southeastern states such as North Carolina, and Florida gained a lot. California, Texas, and Arizona gained a lot as well. -
Started in 2001 as a result of 9/11. This was because people wanted to keep bad people from other countries out. Still sort of going on today. -
This act was put into place to keep terrorists out of America. Also known as the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001". In 2005 this was amended, but is same for the most part.