Missouri compromise (georgia encyclopedia)
Missori was a slave state and the North wasnt. this lead to the Missori Compromise. Missori compromise generally prohibited(didnt allow) slavery in the North above latitude 36' 30' north. -
slavery (georgia encyclopedia)
North was free and the south was a slave state. They split in half. Slavery was at the core of sectional tension between the north and south. -
Antietam (georgiainfo)
This was the bloodiest battle.This battle led to the victory of the union. -
Gettysburg (georgiainfo)
The union had a total of 60000 soldiers and the confederate had a total of 65000. The confederate losses numbered somewhere between 25000 and 28000 -
13 amendment (georgiainfo)
The 13 amendment abolished slavery. People created the Black codes and went against the amendment. -
15 amendment (georgiainfo)
All men are able to vote. No man shall rent or keep house in town.