Graphic design timeline

  • 38,000 BCE

    Cave painting

    Cave painting
    This is how cave men communicated to one another they also decorated their homes at the same time
  • 1040 BCE

    Chinese Printing

    Chinese Printing
    This was a method of making multiple copies at once it is the version before the printing press
  • 700

    Medieval Calligraphy

    Medieval Calligraphy
    They wanted more artistry in the bible and so they started doing calligraphy
  • 1389

    Storefront deisgns

    Storefront deisgns
    They started to drink more wine and ale instead of water and they needed some way to publish it other than just saying wine and ale, They created designs for these products.
  • 1439

    Invention of the printing press

    Invention of the printing press
    The printing press was created and with the printing press being created more books were being made. With more books being written more covers of books needed to be created.
  • First ever printed add

    First ever printed add
    The printing press was getting so sufficient that they tried to do an add with a picture. And to their luck it turned out.
  • Chromolithology

    They stared printing designs in color
  • Graphic design is finally given a name

    Graphic design is finally given a name
    Author William Addison officially named designs on object graphic design.
  • Digital era

    Digital era
    Instead of just drawing by hand they finally started creating designs on computer