Graphic Design History Timeline

By Kenleet
  • 38,000 BCE

    Cave Painting

    Very early on humans have always enjoyed art, based off the cave paintings left from prehistoric times.There are different varieties of cave art. Some left hand prints and drawings of animals. Cave paintings were used as a form of communication.
  • 1389

    Storefront Signage

    In the 14th century, King Richard II of England created a law stating that the ale houses needed to have signs out in the front for the people to find the stores easier.
  • 1400

    First Logos

    Logos were made not only a branding device, but were used to show printing skills.
  • Chromolithography

    Technological advancements boosted graphic design. Things were able to be printed in color and chromolithography. It created a sense of realism.
  • The word "graphic design" appears for the first time

    William Addison Dwiggins wrote an article titled, “New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design”. In his article he used the word "graphic design" to describe his role. Since then, that has been the term used.
  • Paul Rand

    Paul Rand lead graphic design to its current form. He stated his theories which shaped the future of the graphic design industry.
  • Digital world

    Adobe Photoshop was released and created a whole new graphic design era. It blended together things like photography, illustration, and CGI.