Graphic Design History

  • Period: to

    History of Graphic Design

    My school assignment to cover different events in the History of Graphic Design
  • First Graphic Design Agency

    First Graphic Design Agency
    The Wiener Werkstatte graphic design agency in Austria was formed. It means "Vienna Workshop". A group of painters, architects and early graphic designers worked closely together.
  • The term "Graphic Design" appears for the first time

    William Addison Dwiggins first used the term "graphic design" in his newspaper article to describe exactly what his role was in structuring and managing the visuals in book design.
  • Paul Rand publishes "Thoughts on Design"

    Paul Rand publishes "Thoughts on Design"
    One of the top designers in history, Paul Rand left his mark on the logos of many everyday brands.
  • Cut and Paste Graphic Design

    Cut and Paste Graphic Design
    Yearbook and magazine staffs would "cut" out images and letters they wanted to use from design books and "paste" them in place to create a design. When the page was finished, copies of the design were made to make it one print instead of many items copied and pasted.
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Photo manipulation created a whole new subcategory of graphic design, blending together elements of photography, illustration, and CGI.
  • Adoption of Computers in the Home

    Our real advance towards technology generated designs began during a movement of mass adoption of computers in the home. When computers became inexpensive enough that many people could have one at home and students were learning how to use them in the schools, creating designs became easier and more accessible to anyone who could sit down at a computer.
  • Today -- 2020

    Today --  2020
    Every product or sign we see, every paper or magazine we pick up, even the plastic cup and lid we use to get soda at the gas station falls under the realm of Graphic Design. No longer is every design you see left to the professionals. Most kids have created some type of design on the computer by the time they enter Preschool or Kindergarten. It's a digital, visual world and Graphic Design is a big part of it!