Graphic design

Graphic Design

  • 38,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    In prehistoric times, cave paintings were visuals that were used to communicate.
  • 3300 BCE

    Sumerian Written language

    Sumerian Written language
    This was one of the first written languages. In this language, images created entire words.
  • 200 BCE

    Chinese Printing

    Chinese Printing
    China used wood reliefs to stamp things that they wanted printed. (Silk, clothes, paper)
  • 700

    Medieval Calligraphy

    Medieval Calligraphy
    During this time, texts were made by hand and the different writings made publishers unique.
  • 1100

    European Heraldry

    European Heraldry
    These were the first logos. They represented families and their households.
  • 1389

    Storefront Signage

    Storefront Signage
    At this time, water often got polluted so people drank beer. King Richard passed a law saying that all places that sold beer should have a sign so it would be easier to find.
  • 1439

    Invention of Gutenberg Press

    Invention of Gutenberg Press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the Gutenberg press which adds ink to something by putting pressure on the inked surface that is on top of whatever you wanted the print on.
  • Chromolithography

    Chromolithography is printing with color.
  • First Graphic Design Agency (The Wiener Werkstatte)

    First Graphic Design Agency (The Wiener Werkstatte)
    Wiener Werkstatte is an Austrian organization. It was a place where professional artists such as painters and early graphic designers worked together.
  • Term "Graphic Design" is used for the first time!

    Term "Graphic Design" is used for the first time!
    William Addison Dwiggins used this term for the first time in his article "New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design" to describe how he made book designs.