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Graphic Design

  • 38,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    Humans used visuals as a form of communicating.
  • 200 BCE

    Chinese Printing

    Chinese Printing
    China used wood reliefs to print and stamp designs on silk clothes, and later paper. In 1040 Bi Sheng invented the world’s first movable type printing press out of porcelain.
  • 1389

    Storefront signange

    Storefront signange
    In the 14th century, England's King Richard 2 made a law that all ale houses had to have signs up
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Gutenberg Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press
    Gutenberg completed his wooden press which used movable metal type. Help spread word of art, science, and religion.
  • Industrial Revolution and Lithography

    Industrial Revolution and Lithography
    lithography was discovered and is a method of printing that involves inking your design into a stone or metal surface and transferring it to a sheet of paper. This gave way to chromolithography, which is simply but with colored prints.
  • The Wiener Werkstatte

    The Wiener Werkstatte
    The first graphic design agency emerged .
  • Graphic Design Job and Duties

    Graphic Design Job and Duties
    To create for other people or companies.Design web pages, brochures, logos, signs, books, magazine covers, annual reports, advertisements,etc.Create these materials by hand or by using technology, including computer software programs.
  • The term "Graphic design" appears

    In the article “New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design” ,book designer William Addison Dwiggins first used the term “graphic design” to describe exactly what his role was in structuring and managing the visuals in book design.
  • Digital Era

    Digital Era
    The mass-adoption of home computers is a technological advancement giving access to new art styles, digital software, and methods of creating art.
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop
    Changed the face of graphic design. Photoshop created a whole new category of graphic design, bring together elements of photography, illustration, and CGI.