Grandma's Timeline

  • Kennedy Protects the "Freedom Riders"

    Kennedy Protects the "Freedom Riders"
    President Kennedy orders US Marshals to protect the protesters in hopes to integrate the buses.
  • Theresa Kalsh was born

  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The US fails at invading Cuba during the missile crisis.
  • "Freedom Riders" Start Protest

    "Freedom Riders" Start Protest
    A group of activists set out on bus to test new civil rights laws in the South.
  • President Kennedy Warns of a Possible Nuclear Attack

    President Kennedy Warns of a Possible Nuclear Attack
    Kennedy warns the country of a possible nuclear attack and advises families to build bomb shelters.
  • First Artificial Heart Transplant

    First Artificial Heart Transplant
    Dr. Christiaan Barnard was the first person to successfully transplant a heart. Unfortunately, Louis Washkansky, the person who received the transplant, only lived for another 18 days.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Gives "I Have a Dream" Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. Gives "I Have a Dream" Speech
    MLK Jr. gives a speech at the Lincoln Memorial where over 25,000 thousand people showed up. This is one of his most memorable speeches yet and earned him TIME's Person of the Year.
  • Kennedy is Assassinated

    Kennedy is Assassinated
    While riding in a car at a parade, President Kennedy is fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    New legislation makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on race, color, religion, or sex.
  • Martin Luther King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

    Martin Luther King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
    The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to MLK Jr.
  • Johnson Defeats Goldwater

    Johnson Defeats Goldwater
    Lyndon Johnson defeats Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the presidential race.
  • Malcolm X is Assassinated

    Malcolm X is Assassinated
    Malcolm X was shot by members of the Nation of Islam while delivering a speech in New York.
  • Medicare and Medicaid are Created

    Medicare and Medicaid are Created
    President Lyndon Johnson signs the Medicare and Medicaid bill providing healthcare to Americans.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    A bill is signed that ends discrimination at the polls.
  • First Super Bowl

    First Super Bowl
    The first super bowl is played with the Packers against the Chiefs.
  • Thurgood Marshall Joins Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall Joins Supreme Court
    Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African American in the US supreme court.
  • Nixon Wins the 1968 Presidential Election

    Nixon Wins the 1968 Presidential Election
    Republican candidate Richard Nixon just barely defeats running mate Hubert Humphrey in the 1968 election by seven-tenths of 1%.
  • US Gets a Man on the Moon

    US Gets a Man on the Moon
    Niel Armstrong is the first man to step on the moon, making the famous statement, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
  • Woodstock Music Festival

  • First Episode of Sesame Street