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designing and building
it was designed by Warren and Wetmore in associatie with Reed and Stem -
building completed in 1913
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railway company new york central had ownership over the building -
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new york central takes new ownership
in 1968 the Pennsylvania Railroad changed to Penn Central and the new york central took ownership over it -
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penn central brakes contract with new york central
in 1970 penn central breaks the contract with and new york central has no ownership over the company anymore -
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conrail takes ownership over penn central
conrail takes ownership over penn central -
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stays the same
between 1994 and 2007 nothing happends with new york central railway company -
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in 2007 new york central expands there railway company to have it conected with mor eparts of new york it was a long and expensive project because in the end it cost 12 billion dollar