• First Tagging

    First Tagging
    Taki 183 started wirtitng his name in subways.
  • New York Times

    New York Times
    Taki183 made New York Times. He became the first famous graffiti artist.
  • Bubble letters

    Bubble letters
    Writers began to use spray cans to make quikly done bubble letters. Simply pieces only using two colors.
  • War

    New York declairing war between crews.
  • Bubble letters

    Bubble letters
    Writers began to use spray cans to make quikly done bubble letters. Simply pieces only using two colors.
  • Murals

    Writers began to paint murals. They appeart all around NYC.
  • Competitions between writers

    Competitions between writers
    The writers began to have small competitions.
  • Laws against graffiti

    Laws against graffiti
    There was made laws against graffiti.
  • Laws against graffiti

    Laws against graffiti
    There was made laws against graffiti.
  • Different thoughts

    Different thoughts
    Today people have different thoughts and meenings about Graffiti
  • Banksy

    Today Banksy is one of the most famous graffiti artists.