First MS Course Offered
Graduate Program Receives Accredation from the Higher Learning Commission
Graduate Studies Director Dr. John Ish retires
Vice President Wendler takes over as interim Director
First Graduating Class
John Meyer accepts call to be Director of Graduate Studies
Second Graduating Class May 2009
Third Graduating Class May 2010
Graduate Studies Facebook Page Introduced
Educational Technology Emphasis Added
Fourth Graduating Class
Fifth Graduating Course
Graduate Studies Blog "Issue in Lutheran Education" posts it's first blog!
100 Graduate Students!
Sixth Graduating Class
Seventh Graduating Class
Dr. Wendler Retires from the Vice-President of Academics
Dr. Wiechman becomes Vice President of Academics
Mentor Courses Approved
Introducing Valerie Fischer, the New GS Administrative Assistant
Eigth Graduating class
10 Graduates, Pictures to come! -
Come Visit Us at the 2015 Leadership Conference!
Graduate Studies Celebrates 10 years
-The Graduate Studies has grown from 20 students in 2005 to 134 in 2015
-We now offer 45 courses
-Our faculty has grown from 19 to 27 -
COMING SOON Educational Administration Masters Degree
Coming Soon Masters of Theology