Biographical Info
A. J. Thomas served in the navy from 1914-1919. He worked in many different locations such as Yorktown, Virginia; Ireland, Scotland, England and more. He was also not a prisoner of war. -
Poison Gas
Poison gas was used by both sides in the war. The poison gas had very devastating results. The usage of poisonous gas lead to the invention of gas masks. -
German's attack
On January 31, 1915 the German's used many chemical weapons with a gas attack on Russia. But lucky for the Russians, the low temperatures froze the poison in the shells. This all happenend during the Battle of Bolimov. -
Finally successful
The German's finally successfully used chemical weapons on April 22, 1915. They sprayed chhlorine gas from large cylinders toward trenches that the French troops were stationed at. The French tried to run but it was no use. -
First Tanks
On September 15, 1916 the British use the first tanks ever used in battle. The tanks could break through barbed wire and could clear a path for infantry. But they weren't the decisive weapon for war. -
U.S Enters War
On April 6, 1917 the United States enters World War I. Congress authorized a declaration of war against Germany. The U.S enters on the side of France and Britian. -
Selective Service Act
ON May 18, 1917 Congress passed the Selective Service Act authorizing the draft. President Wilson is critized for the destruction of democracy at home. But he said that there was no other option and signs the bill into a law, -
After the success of the poison gas allied forces began using it too. Over the course of the war both sides started using so much gas chemicals that it beat gas masks. The overall result was flat out misery and no change in the strategic situation. -
Love Letters
Arthur James Thomas had a lady friend named Viola. He wrote 3 letters to her one on 10/7/1917, another on 1/21/1918 and the last one on 4/19/1918. In these letters he explained things he saw and told her to stay safe. -
Germany and Russia Peace
On March 3,1918 he German's sign a peace treaty with the government of Russia. The treaty gave Germany huge amounts of land. It also allowed Germany to move soldiers to the Western Front which cause problems for the French, Britian, and America. -
Diary of A. J. Thomas
Arthur wrote in a diary everyday that he was involved in World War I. In his diary entries he normally talked about the weather and small other details about the day. For example, on March 19, 1918 he was at sea and he wrote "Weather was fine. Had battle approach practice." -
Diary Entries
Some of Arthur's diary entries are- April 8, 1918 at Yorktown, "Left the base at 6:00am for a week at sea. Weather was fair, but cold." May 5, 1918 at Yorktown "Weather was fine, but very hot. Went on recreation. Recieved letters from Mabel and Sig. Wrote to Mother." -
Wilhelm Abdicates
On November 9, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates that left Germany with no hope. He and his crew slipped over the border into the Netherlands. Wilhelm ends up living he rest of his life out there and writes a memior about his events in the war. -
War Service Certificate
In 1919 Arthur James Thomas recieved his War Service Certificate. This certificate stated that he had performed honorable service in th United States Navy. It also stated the ships and stations he was apart of. -
In the years following the World War I, France, Britian, and Spain began using chemical weapons in warfare. But in 1925, the Geneva Protocal banned the use of chemical weapons in the war. In World War II chemical warfare wasn't used because of all the defenses like gs masks and protective clothing.