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Grace's History of the Internet Timeline

By gpotter
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
    Found a way that computes can talk to each other in case of nuclear attack.
  • Computers at Standford and UCLA conncted for the first time.

    Computers at Standford and UCLA conncted for the first time.
    The first hosts on what would one day become the Internet.
  • An Arpanet network was established

    An Arpanet network was established
    NEtwork between HArvard,MIY, And BBN (the comapany that created the "interface message processor" computers used to connect tot he network) in 1970 was created.
  • Email was developed.

    Email was developed.
    Developed by Ray Tomlinsn, who also made the decision to use the "@" symbol to sepeat the ue name from the computer name (which later on becme th domain name).
  • The beginning of TCP/IP

    The beginning of TCP/IP
    A proposl was published to link Arpa-like networks together into a so-called "inter-network", which would have no control and would work around a transmission control protocol (which eventually became TCP/IP)
  • The first Personal Computer Modem is Invented.

    The first Personal Computer Modem is Invented.
    The modem was invented by Dennis Hayes and Dale heatherignton and was introduced and initially sold to computer hobbyist
  • Spam is born

    Spam is born
    The first unsolicited commerical email message (later known as spam), was sent out to 600 Califonia Arpanet users by Gary Thuerk.
  • Mud- The earliest form of multiplayer games was debuted.

    Mud- The earliest form of multiplayer games was debuted.
    The precursor to World of Warcraft and Second Life was developed in 1979, and was called MUD (short for MultiUser Dungeon). MUDs were entirely text-based virtual worlds, combinding ellements od role-playing games, interactive, fiction, and online chat.
  • The first emoticon :-)

    The first emoticon :-)
    The first emoticon was used. While many people credit Kevin MacKenzie with the invention of the emoticon in 1979, it was Scott Fahlman in 1982 who proposed using :-) after a joke, rather than the original -)proposed by MacKenzie.
  • The domain name system was created.

    The domain name system was created.
    The first Domain NAme Servers (DNS) was created. The Domain name system was important in that it made addresses on the internet more human-freindly cmpared to its numerical IP address counterparts. DNS servers allowed INternet users to type in an east-to-remember domain name and the converted i to the IP address automatically.
  • World Wide Web protocols finished.

    World Wide Web protocols finished.
    The code for the World Wide Web was written by Tim Berners-Lee, based on his proposal from the year before, along with the standards for HTML, HTTP, and URLs.
  • First web page was created.

    First web page was created.
    1991 brought some major innovations to the world of the internet. The first web page was created and, much like the first email was, its purpose was to expain what the World Wide Web was.
  • Wikipedia was founded.

    Wikipedia was founded.
    Wikipedia is the largest and most popular online encylcopedia source. Users have access to edit information whenever they like. Source
  • Creation of Myspace.

    Creation of Myspace.
    Myspace is the first socail networking site. It allows users to interact with friends by sharing pictures, text chats, music, videos, ect. Source] (
  • Creation of Facebook.

    Creation of Facebook.
    Facebook is a for-profit corporation and socail media/networking site. It allows users to post multipul pictures/videos and share them with friends. Also another feature of Facebook is users can "Facebook message" friends which is an online chat site. Source
  • Youtubeb was founded.

    Youtubeb was founded.
    . Febuary 14, 2005 is when the domain name of youtube was created. During the next few months was when the website was developed. Youtube was not open to the public utill April 23,2005. The first video on youtube is title "Me at the Zoo" by co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. Today many use the site for entertainment and others have created careers as an "Youtuber". Source
  • Twitter is founded.

    Twitter is founded.
    Twitter is another form of socail media where users can post "tweets" within 140-characters. Anyone can read tweets but only registered users can read and post. Source
  • The creation of Tumbler.

    The creation of Tumbler.
    Founded by David Karp in 2007 and owened by Yahoo! since 2013, Tumbler is a microblogging site and social media networking souce. It serves a purpose of allowing users to post short blogs. Source
  • Kik opens up to the public.

    Kik opens up to the public.
    Kik interacvtive was founded by a group of students from University of Waterloo in Canada who wished to create as social networking app for smart phones. Kik messanger was realsed on October 19, 2010. Source
  • Instagram is created.

    Instagram is created.
    Instagram is a socail media source when users can take and edit photos or videos either publically or privatly. Followers can then like or comment onthe posted photos. Source
  • Facetime is availible.

    Facetime is availible.
    Announced by Steve Jobs on June 7, 2010, it was relaesed with the iPhone 4 where someone can video chat live with anyone in their contacts. Source
  • Snapchat is relased to the public.

    Snapchat is relased to the public.
    Created in Standford Univeristy by students Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, Snapchat is an instant-message and picture sharing app where suers casn send a picture or text to any of their "friends" and it will despear in 10 seconds. Source