Ontario enters Confederation
Ontario joined Confederation because they would get their own provincial government. Then they could make their own decisions, so the Americans wouldn't attack. And to make more money, and to build a rallroad. John A.MacDonald (co-"Prime Minister") was a very importent person. -
Quebec enters Confederation
Quebec joined Confederation because they would get their own provincail government. Then they could make their own decisions, so the Americans wouldn't akkack. And to make more money, and to build a rallraod. George-Etienne Carter (Co-"Prime Minister') was a very importent person. -
Nova Scotia enters Confederation
Nova Scotia agreed to bring itself into Confederation. Charles Tupper (leader of government) though that if Nova Scotia went into Confederation it would be good for industry. But Joseph Howe was against Confederation so they had a vote, against Confederation won. -
New Brunswick enters Comfederation
New Brunswick's people though that if it joined Confederation it be the best for New Brunswick. So they decided to enter Confederation. They also thought that if they joined it would help provide larger market places and a link to other colonies (by railroad). The leader of the government was Samuel Leonard Tilly.