governmet picture

  • George Washington=Treaty of Tripoli

    George Washington=Treaty of Tripoli
  • Thomas Jefferson=Embargo act of 1807

    Thomas Jefferson=Embargo act of 1807
  • James Madison=Era of good feelings

    James Madison=Era of good feelings
  • James Monroe=Missouri comprpmise

    James Monroe=Missouri comprpmise
  • James Monroe=Monroe doctrine

    James Monroe=Monroe doctrine
  • James K. Polk=Mexican American war

    James K. Polk=Mexican American war
  • Abraham Lincoln=Gettysburg address

    Abraham Lincoln=Gettysburg address
  • Andrew Johnson=Alaska purchase Treaty

    Andrew Johnson=Alaska purchase Treaty
  • William McKinley=Open door policy

    William McKinley=Open door policy
  • Theodore Roosevelt=algeciras conference

    Theodore Roosevelt=algeciras conference
  • Woodrow Wilson=14 Points

    Woodrow Wilson=14 Points
  • Calvin Coolidge=Kellogg Briand Pact

    Calvin Coolidge=Kellogg Briand Pact
  • Calvin Coolidge=stock Market crash

    Calvin Coolidge=stock Market crash
  • Herbert Hoover=New Deal

    Herbert Hoover=New Deal
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt=G.l.Bill first passed

    Franklin D. Roosevelt=G.l.Bill first passed
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt=Yalta conference

    Franklin D. Roosevelt=Yalta conference
  • Harry S. Truman=korean war began

    Harry S. Truman=korean war began
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower=Peaceful Atomic Energy cooperation act

    Dwight D. Eisenhower=Peaceful Atomic Energy cooperation act
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower=Bown v. Board of education

    Dwight D. Eisenhower=Bown v. Board of education
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower=Eisenhower Doctrine

    Dwight D. Eisenhower=Eisenhower Doctrine
  • John F. Kennedy=cuban missile crisis

    John F. Kennedy=cuban missile crisis
  • Lyndon B. Johnson=Great society

    Lyndon B. Johnson=Great society
  • Gerald Ford=fall of saigon

    Gerald Ford=fall of saigon
  • Jimmy Carter= iran Hostage crisis

    Jimmy Carter= iran Hostage crisis
  • Ronald Reagan=strategic defence initiative

    Ronald Reagan=strategic defence initiative
  • George H. W. Bush=fall of the Berlin wall1989

    George H. W. Bush=fall of the Berlin wall1989
  • George H. W. Bush=Oslo Accords

    George H. W. Bush=Oslo Accords
  • Bill Clinton=patriot act passed

    Bill Clinton=patriot act passed
  • Barack Obama=Affordable Healthcare

    Barack Obama=Affordable Healthcare
  • Barack Obama=joint comprehensive plan of action

    Barack Obama=joint comprehensive plan of action