Government Timeline

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    King John signed the Magna Carta. This outlined individual rights that the king could not violate, such as taxation and trial provisions. This was the beginning of moving from rule of man to rule of law.
  • 1570

    Iroquois Confederation

    Iroquois Confederation
    British colonies formed an alliance with six Native American nations.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    This was the first binding document of the United States. The colonists wanted to have some type of government in place.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    King Charles was required to sign the Petition of Right. This required monarchs to obtain Parliamentary approval before new taxes were created. It stated that the king could not unlawfully imprison people or establish military rule during times of peace.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  • Massachusetts Body of Liberties

    Massachusetts Body of Liberties
    Each charter guaranteed colonists the "rights of Englishmen."
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Extended conflict between King Charles and Parliament lead to a civil war in 1642. King Charles was beheaded.
  • New England Confederation

    New England Confederation
    Plymouth, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, New Haven colonies formed to defend against threats from Native Americans and Dutch colonists.
  • Conflict Continued

    Conflict Continued
    Conflict continued between the Crown and Parliament and started rebellion.
  • William and Mary Became Rulers

    William and Mary Became Rulers
    William and Mary were chosen to rule, but had to govern according to statues of parliament.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was passed and guaranteed free speech and protection from cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Representatives appointed by colonial assemblies and a president general appointed by the king. This became the basis for the Constitution.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Five colonists died after British soldiers fired into the crowd at a protest.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    People met to draft a new constitution that was more effective than the Articles of Confederation.
  • Federalists Papers

    Federalists Papers
    Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote this under the pen name "Publius" to argue that the constitution included a separation of powers to limit power. This document supported the constitution.
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    Ratification of the Bill of Rights
    Delaware was the first to approve the first 10 amendments to the U.S. constitution. Small states ratified first because of equal representation in the Senate.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    Established a Three-tiered Judicial Structure: District courts, Circuit courts, & Supreme Court.
  • Federalist paper Gazette of the United States published​

  • 5th Amendment

    A Grand Jury must be used for all felony cases, Citizens cannot be tried twice for the same crime, Citizens cannot be forced to testify against themselves (Ex: "Are you guilty?"), All cases against a citizen must be resolved through due process, Private property may not be taken by the government without compensation.
  • 2nd Amendment

    2nd Amendment
    The right to keep and bear arms.
  • 8th Amendment

    Limits excessive bail or cruel punishment.
  • 3rd Amendment

    "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."
  • 4th Amendment

    4th Amendment
    Protects against warrantless search in the absence of probable cause. Reasonable grounds must be based on a strong likelihood of finding evidence of or stopping a crime.
  • 6th Amendment

    Right to a speedy and public trial.
  • 7th Amendment

    The right to a jury trial in civil matters of $20 and over.
  • 10th Amendment

    Any rights not given to federal government are given to the states and people.
  • 1st Amendment

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Freedom of religion, press, and speech.
  • 9th Amendment

    People are given rights aside from those listed in the constitution.
  • 11th Amendment

    Individual cannot sue a state in a federal court.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    Power of judicial review​
  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    Allows the President to choose V.P.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    "Power to tax is the power to destroy"​
  • Gibbons vs Ogden

    Gibbons vs Ogden
    Right of a state legislature to award a monopoly to operate a steamship line between NY and NJ. Court said only Congress has the right to regulate commerce between states.
  • Dred Scott vs Sanford

    Dred Scott vs Sanford
    Slave who sued for his and his family's freedom after being taken to a free state​. Court said that Scott, as an African-American and previously property, was not a citizen which gave him no legal standing to sue​. Called the “greatest disaster” of the Supreme Court​
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolished slavery.
  • 14th Amendment

    Established equal protection under the law.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    You cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    Ruled segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal​
    and created the “Separate but equal” doctrine​.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    Direct election of Senators
  • 16th Amendment

    Established Congress's right to impose a Federal income tax.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Prohibited the manufacturing, transportation and sale of alcohol within the United States.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Granted women the right to vote.
  • Period: to

    The New Deal Era

    Things put into place during Roosevelt's time as president.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    Repealed prohibition.
  • Period: to

    Roosevelt is President

    Roosevelt served 12 years and packed the court with nominees that supported expansion of government power.
  • 20th Amendment

    President takes office on January 20th instead of March 4th.
  • United States vs Miller

    United States vs Miller
    Ruled 2nd Amendment does not protect the right to have all types of weapons.
  • US vs Darby

    Upheld Fair Labor Standards Act; Commerce Clause allows Congress to regulate employment conditions​
  • Korematsu vs the United States

    Korematsu vs the United States
    Upheld involuntary internment of ethnically Japanese American citizens​.
  • National Security Council Created

    National Security Council Created
    Coordinates national security policy. Brings together the top military, foreign affairs, and intelligence officials in the administration. Created after the Cold War.
  • 22nd Amendment

    President can only serve two terms.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Ruled segregation is illegal​. Said "Separate is inherently unequal."​
  • 23rd Amendment

    23rd Amendment
    Washington D.C. residents can vote for president.
  • Edwards vs South Carolina

    Edwards vs South Carolina
    187 African-American students gathered at the state capitol to protest racial injustice. Students did not end protest when police told them to and were arrested. Court said the state had no authority to disperse the students, as they were protesting legally.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    Prohibited poll taxes.
  • Miranda vs Arizona

    Miranda vs Arizona
    Expanded rights of people accused of crimes​.
  • Loving vs Virginia

    Loving vs Virginia
    Struck down all state laws banning interracial marriage​.
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    Age Discrimination in Employment Act
    Protects applicants and employees of 40+ years old from discrimination based on age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, privileges, etc. of employment.
  • 25th Amendment

    Lays down the rules for who becomes president if the president dies or resigns.
  • Tinker vs Des Moines

    Tinker vs Des Moines
    Schools couldn’t prevent students from protesting the Vietnam War​.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    Set the voting age at 18.
  • War Powers Resolution

    War Powers Resolution
    President must consult with Congress before sending troops. Congress can force the president to end use of military with a concurrent resolution.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.
  • 27th Amendment

    Congress cannot accept a pay raise until next term.
  • Homeland Security Created

    Homeland Security Created
    Reorganization of agencies already in place such as:
    Law enforcement
    Border security
    Immigration- TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
    CBP (Customs and Border Protection)
    Secret Service
    Coast Guard
  • McDonald v. Chicago

    McDonald v. Chicago
    Ruled 2nd Amendment applies to federal, state, and local governments; upheld 2nd Amendment.