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Government Timeline

By reedap
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta is Passed

    Magna Carta is Passed
    The Magna Carta was the first written document about the government. In this government document, the most important thing stated, was that the king was not above the law.
  • First Colony is Established at Jamestown, VA

    First Colony is Established at Jamestown, VA
    104 English men came to America and just happened to end up in Virginia. Then they named it after their KIng, King James I.
  • Englidh Bill of Rights is Passed

    Englidh Bill of Rights is Passed
    The English Bill of Rights was like America, only for their people. They had rights and amendments.
  • British defeat the French in the French and Indian War

    British defeat the French in the French and Indian War
    After the British invaded and took over the bass for the French they had officially won, but it was not determined for a while after the invasion.
  • Stamp Act is Passed

    Stamp Act is Passed
    The Stamp Act was the first way the British raised taxes on the Colonists in America.
  • Stamp Act Congress Meet

    Stamp Act Congress Meet
    The Congress met to tell the British that the Colonists should be treated with equal taxes like the British Civilians. Because they were before they moved over.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea party was a political protest against the taxes that the British were trying to impose on the Colonists.
  • Intolerable (coercive) acts are passed

    Intolerable (coercive) acts are passed
    4 laws passed by the British to punish the Colonists for the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress Meets

    First Continental Congress Meets
    The First Congress meeting was in Pennsylvania, they discussed the British and the idea to become independent.
  • "Shot Heard Around The World" is Fired

    "Shot Heard Around The World" is Fired
    "Shot Heard Around The World" is a quote that shows the importance of the first shot that started the Revolutionary War.
  • Second Continental Congress Meet

    Second Continental Congress Meet
    1 month after the war started the founding fathers had to decide the best way to go about the war and independence.
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    Declaration of Independence Signed
    They wrote the declaration on July 4th, but after finalizing it they signed it about a month later. Sending it across the ocean to the King.
  • Ratification (passage) of the Articles of Confederation

    Ratification (passage) of the Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution for the people of America.
  • The Constitutional Convention begins

    The Constitutional Convention begins
    They would meet for a few months to change the Articles of Confederation because it wasn't working the way they wanted it to.
  • The Constitutional Convention begins

    The Constitutional Convention begins
    They would meet for a few months to change the Articles of Confederation because it wasn't working the way they wanted it to.
  • Unanimous (13th State Passes) Ratification of the Constitution

    Unanimous (13th State Passes) Ratification of the Constitution
    Rhode Island got passed as a state after the population grew, so it took a little while for Congress to recognize them.