Government shutdown

Government Shutdown 2.9 Taliyah Starks and Nalenda Alcaraz

  • Trump attempted to end DACA program

    Trump attempted to end the DACA program that was an Obama era program.
  • Trump met with Chuck Schumer

    Trump met with leader Chuck Shucmer where he was offered a 25$ billion dead. The agreement was to keep dreamers
  • Trump was offered a deal

    Trump was offered a $25 billion deal by the bipartisan group. This failed the Senate by a vote of 54-45
  • Democrats introduce 1.3 billion dollar bill

    Democrats introduced a bill that was passed earlier in 2019. This bill did not pass the senates.
  • Government shutdown began

  • Trump proposed a temporary extension

    Trump proposed a temporary extension of the two programs that protect about 700,00 immigrants from deportation and in exchange for funding the border wall.
  • Senate votes to end government shutdown

    Democrats and Republicans held two votes to end the government shutdown.
  • Government shutdown ends

  • Trump signed the spending bill to keep the government open.

    Trump signed the spending bill to keep the government open right before Trump declared a national emergency.
  • Trump Declares National Emergency

    Trump declared a National emergency and provokes a constitutional clash.