Government regime changes between 1900-2019

By Mubeenb
  • The Republic of China

    The Republic of China was formed in 1912 after the overthrowing of the Qing Dynasty, which ended imperial rule in China.
  • The Soviet Union

    The Russian Revolution of 1917 brought an end to Russian imperial rule. After five-year civil war, the Soviet Union was established with it's Communist government.
  • Turkey

    The Representative Democracy of modern-day Turkey was born out of the collapse of The Ottoman Empire, a Monarchy that ruled until 1922.
  • Japan

    Japan has had a long history of changes in government. The most recent was the fall of Imperial Japan after World War 2, which was replaced by a Democratic government.
  • Cuba

    Cuba has one of a few existing Communist governments, born out of a famous revolution in 1958, led by Former Prime Minister Fidel Castro.
  • Chile

    A military coup d'état (overthrow of government) saw Chile’s Socialist government replaced by an Authoritarian dictatorship, led by Former President Augusto Pinochet. The country has since become a Constitutional Democracy.
  • Egypt

    After the 2011 Egyptian Revolution removed Authoritarian leader, Hosni Mubarak, Egypt experienced a brief period of Democracy. A year later, the country’s first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi, was removed from power in a military coup d'état.
  • Sudan

    More recently, a military coup d'état saw Sudan remove its Authoritarian leader, Omar al-Bashir. The country has been transitioning to a representative.