Government Formation

  • Dictatorship Government Formed

    A Dictatorship was the first type of Government that took place in my country. Citizens were very unhappy about this and wanted to protest against the government.
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    Formation of my Democracy Government

    These are the events that took place before the government was turned into a Democracy.
  • Citizens Conduct a Protest

    Citizens were very opposed to having a Dictatorship, and they didn't want to keep quiet about it. A whole bunch of people came together and put together a protest. However, this was frowned upon and most of the people were arrested.
  • Citizen Rights Not Being Used

    Citizens have the right to freedom of speech, and this was not being followed. Citizens had to no say in who was elected as the Dictator. This created more friction between the government and the citizens.
  • Laws Being Made

    The Dictator has established laws that the citizens must abide by. One law was that no protests are allowed and anyone who was related to protests would be put on death row for the death penalty.
  • Protests Against the Law

    People were furious when they heard about the new law that included a death penalty. Everyone wanted to protest, and if enough people came together then maybe they wanted be able to use the death penalty. So citizens started planning a secret protest, that included every citizen.
  • Huge Citizen Protest

    Finally the protest they had been planning is ready to take place. February 20, everyone started protesting throughout the whole country. The government was speechless, how could they put almost the whole country on the death penalty.
  • Government Meeting

    The government decided to have a meeting about the protest happening more frequently. Some of the officials within the government thought that the Dictatorship should be demolished and turned into a Democracy.
  • Democracy Formed

    After all of the protesting and the meetings in the government, it seemed like the best idea. Finally the Dictatorship was demolished and the government turned to a Democracy. The Citizens were so surprised and overwhelmed with joy.