
  • War of 1796

    in the early year of 1796 there was a major war to create independence from France
  • New Start

    after winning the war its time to start a new government so the towns people gathered to choose who should run which area of the country
  • Debate

    after years with no government they had to choose between democracy and communism
    democracy for the people or communism for equality
  • Civil war

    the west side of the country wants there to be communism so all the kids and the next generations to have equality but the east side wanted the country to be democracy so that the next generation will be able to have a say in how the government is ran
  • The End of the Civil War

    the war lasted 3 years and finally the west side was able to see not everyone is equal and many people have different talents and intelligence the two generals met to make a treaty
  • The writing of the Constiution

    after deciding that the government would be a democracy there were articles written to establish precedents
  • The Election

    the countries first election the election was formed from the most intelligent men no matter wealth status
  • New government

    there has been ups and downs with the new government but the country has been able to pull through and steady out the government
  • 1820

    the economy is now booming with great industrial programs in motion