George Washington
George Washington
Jay Treaty -
John Adams
Treaty of Mortefontaine -
Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase -
John Q. Adams
Tariff of Abominations -
Martian Van Buren
Panics of 1837 & 1839 -
James K. Polk
Oregon Treaty -
Zachary Taylor
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty -
Franklin Pierce
Kanagawa Treaty -
Abraham Lincoln
Civil War -
Herbert Hoover
Boxer Rebellion -
Theodore Roosevelt
Big Stick Diplomacy, Square Deal -
Woodrow Wilson
Federal Reserve Act -
Woodrow Wilson
Veracruz Incident -
Calvin Coolidge
Dawes Plans -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Neutrality Act of 1937 -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Great Depression Ended -
Harry Truman
Marshall Plan -
Harry Truman
Fair Deal -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Peace Crops -
John F. Kennedy
Alliance for Progress -
Lyndon Johnson
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution -
Richard Nixon
SALT, Watergate -
Jimmy Carter
Camp David Accords -
George H.W. Bush
Persian Gulf War -
Ronald Reagan
Iran-Contra Affairs -
George W. Bush