Government A Timeline

  • Charleston Mass Shooting

    Charleston Mass Shooting
    Debate on removing confederate statues after this mass shooting in Charleston, South Carolina at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. The shooter was shown to have intrest in the Confederate South.
  • Period: to

    59 Statues Removed in 19 DIfferent States

  • White Nationalist Rally

    White Nationalist Rally
    In Charlottesville, Virginia a White Nationalist Rally was formed after the proposed removal of Confederate Army Generals Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson turned deadly and violent.
  • Period: to

    160 Statues Removed

  • George Floyds Death

    George Floyds Death
    After the police brutality that led to George Floyd dying, Virginia statues were being vandalized and protested to be taken down.
  • US House of Representatives Voting

    US House of Representatives Voting
    The US House of Representatives voted to remove Roger B Taney's statues and busts because of his confederate background.
  • Period: to

    73 Confederate Statues Removed or Renamed

  • Vandalizim Leads to Removal

    Vandalizim Leads to Removal
    After all the vandalism of Virginia statues some were removed.