
  • Zombie apocalypse

  • Tiffany created safe house

    Queen Tiffany narrowly escapes the castle before it is over run by Zombies, killing off her family, She finds an empty school and starts searching for other survivors.
  • Safe house population to 490

  • Riot over food and supplies

    With supplies running low, members become anxious and a riot breaks out. Queen Tiffany takes control of the organizations leadership
  • Tiffany assigns jobs

    To avoid any further violence or conflict, Queen Tiffany assigns tasks and jobs to the community members
  • Gatherers sent out to search for supplies

    A group of volunteers left the compound in search of supplies
  • judicial panel creates policy manual

    Laws and punishments created for a peaceful living environment
  • security officers assigned

    officers assigned to uphold new policies and enforce punishment
  • Birth of heir to the thrown- Princess Lilly

    Queen Tiffany gives birth to daughter that will be heir to the thrown
  • Trade with other compounds begins

    Other survivors living in other compounds are located and a trade system is organized
  • Disease kills 103 members

    unknown disease infiltrates the community
  • Expand walls of safe house

    Population has increased to 1035. New wall are built to expand the compound