5th year of the tyrannical rule of Emperor Haldane IV
February 19th, 1605, citizens were forced to march the streets celebrating the inauguration of their oppressive ruler. It was at this time that citizens were fed up and ready to revolt. -
Period: to
Conspiring begins
During this time citizens have been gathering underneath the radar planning against their evil ruler and how they are to escape. -
Discovery of land
During this time explorers were writing of their expeditions of unclaimed land. January 7th, 1606, a meeting was gathered to discuss the best land to claim and when their escape should take place. -
Period: to
The word spreads
The word is spread throughout the land that on March 15th 1606 people will gather a flee to unclaimed land. -
The land is claimed
After a month of traveling, the several hundreds of people that fled the tyrannical rule and land upon the destination. -
Beginning of the government
A meeting is called for all, so they can choose who shall lead their colonies. Voting was held and counted up and the people decided that the three people with the most votes be a collected group of leaders each with the own duty.