Government timeline

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    It was a text that basically stated we are all subjects to the law not a one person. Everyone is equal and no one is above the law even the king.
  • Jamestown settled

    This was the very first settlement of the US. Around 100 men and women came and settled .
  • Mayflower Compact

    It was a set of rules that the english settlers used to self govern themselves.
  • Petition of Rights

    It Englands most famous constitution basically stating the rights of the citizens. It is similar to what the US has in theirs.
  • english bill of rights

    The Bill creates separation of powers, limits the powers of the king and queen, enhances the democratic election and bolsters freedom of speech
  • Albany Plan of Union

    It was one of the first important plans of the US that was never passed. It was a plan to have federal government control.
  • stamp act

    Great Britain which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced by the king
  • Revolutionary War begins

    This was began so that the US could sever ties with britain with a war on main land US.
  • Boston Massacre

    It was a huge fight between the US Patriots of the time and the British Soldiers. Many citizens were gunned down in the streets killing them.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The sons of liberty protested the king raising the tax on tea. So they went and sneaked on the tea ships and threw all the tea in the harbor bay so the king wouldn't make any money.
  • intolarble act

    The laws were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in the Tea Party protest in reaction to changes in taxation by the British to the detriment of colonial goods.
  • first continental congress

    It was the first time the delegates came together for a meeting. 12 of the first 13 colonies were their.
  • second continental congress

    They cut ties with the king adopting the declaration of independence and began the Revolutionary war. It disbanded in 1781 and became the government we have now.
  • Declaration of Independence

    It is the document where the US declared to seperate from the British control.

    It was the first constitution of the US, It allowed freedoms of the 13 states and had state government as well federal.
  • Philidelphia Convention

    It was a government convention where they revised the article of confederation, and how to govern as well as elected the president which would be George Washington.
  • shays rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts in opposition to the debt crisis and the government was trying to raise their taxes and they were mad.
  • connecticut compramise

    A agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention. They discussed what kind of representation that the government would use.