Got Grievances?

By JoseZ
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    Great Britain was in war with France. But now that the war is over the y needed money to pay up war dues.
  • stamp act congress

    stamp act congress
    The parliament made the stamp act to make all printed items to have a stamp on them. Items included newspaper, legal documents, ad even playing cards.
  • Stamp act passed

    Stamp act passed
    Now the colonies had to pay tax for every piece of printed paper they used. The colonies we're not happy with this.
  • stamp act repealed

    stamp act repealed
    After much protest by the colonies, the parliament eventually repealed the stamp act. However Britain already had something else in mind.
  • Declaratory act passed

    Declaratory act passed
    This act allowed Britain to have complete power over the colonies. meaning that any other acts they decide to pass again cannot be repealed by the colonies.
  • Townshend act passed

    Townshend act passed
    This act allowed Britain to tax the colonies and take away some freedoms they one's had. Colonies one's again not happy with tis decision.
  • Townshed act repealed

    Townshed act repealed
    The parliament no longer taxed any products that were sent to the colonies. All except of course tea.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    Britain was taxing everything it sent to the colonies, people weren't happy with that and protested. Sadly it got five men killed by british soldiers.
  • tea acts passed

    tea acts passed
    This granted the British East India Company Tea a monopoly on tea sales in the American colonies. this did not add any more taxes from Britain.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    This was a protest from the colonies to Britain for the taxes on the tea. Some individuals were dressed as Indians and throwed chests of tea of the boats.
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    This was a meeting held by 12 out of the 13 colonies. This was the start of the revolution.
  • coercive acts passed

    coercive acts passed
    The point of this act was for Britain to gain authority over the colonies again. It was a total of five laws.
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    Georgia was not apart of this one either. But eventually joined after the war was won.
  • Revolutionary war begins

    Revolutionary war begins
    The colonies had enough of Britain's taxes by this point. They rallied behind the phrase "no taxation without representation.
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    The colonies no longer had to be taxed by Great Britain anymore. The colonies won the war.