Got Grievances?

  • French & Indian War Ends

    French & Indian War Ends
    The French & Indian War lasted 7 years from 1756-1763, it is known as the Seven Years' War. It was a conflict between the British and the French. The Natives fought aside with the French as allies.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    Stamp Act Passed
    The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament. It was imposed on all American colonists that they pay tax on every printed paper they used.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Stamp Act Repealed
    The Stamp Act was repealed by the British Parliament. It was from the result of Taxation without representation. The British were threatened by boycotts.
  • Declaratory Act Passed

    Declaratory Act Passed
    It was to accompany the repeal of the Stamp Act, it said that the taxing of the British parliament was the same as the Americans.
  • Townshend Act Passed

    Townshend Act Passed
    The Townshend Act was the British government trying to get political power over the American colonies by taxing the British products the Americans bought. The English parliament passed the Townshend Act.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Started in the streets between the American colonists and the British then escalated to a chaotic slaughter between the two.
  • Townshend Act Repealed

    Townshend Act Repealed
    The British Parliament repealed this act on all, but the tea. They maintained the taxes on the tea.
  • Tea Act Passed

    Tea Act Passed
    Granted the British East India Company Tea a monopoly on tea sales on the American colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The group called Sons of Liberty had members who dressed in disguises that were Mohawk Indians and dumped an enormous amount of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The colonies had a resistance to the new taxes and the First Continental Congress was to ensure the government in the colonies were to help the British instate the punishment.
  • Coercive Act Passed

    Coercive Act Passed
    Also known as the Intolerable Act was actually five acts total. It was made by the British government. The purpose of this was to restore authority in the colonies. The five were the Boston Port Act, the Quebec Act, Quartering Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, and the Administration of Justice Act.
  • Revolutionary War Begin

    Revolutionary War Begin
    Took place in Lexington and Concord Massachusetts. It's known for being called 'The shot heard round the world".
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was formed in Philadelphia. It was made since the British failed to address the grievances of the First Continental Congress. It was made to separate the colonies from Great Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    Declaration of Independence Signed
    The 13 colonies declared themselves independent from Great Britain.