Got grievances?

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    The French and Indian War, was a war fought between the French, Colonies and the Indians
  • Stamp act congress

    Stamp act congress
    The Stamp Act Congress, also known as the Continental Congress of 1765, was a meeting held in New York, New York, consisting of representatives from some of the British colonies in North America.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act Congress, also known as the Continental Congress of 1765, was a meeting held in New York, New York, consisting of representatives from some of the British colonies in North America.
  • Stamp act repealed

    Stamp act repealed
    After months of protest, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act
  • Declaratory act

    Declaratory act
    declaration by the British Parliament that accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act.
  • Townshend act

    Townshend act
    The Townshend Acts were a series of laws passed by the British government on the American colonies.
  • Townshend act repealed,

    Townshend act repealed,
    The British parliament repealed the Townshend duties on all but tea.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    British soldiers shot and killed several people while being harassed by a mob in Boston.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    Granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without first landing it in England
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies that became the United States.
  • Coercive Act passed

    Coercive Act passed
    Passed in response to the Boston Tea Party, the Coercive Acts sought to punish Massachusetts as a warning to other colonies.
  • Second continental congress

    Second continental congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies in America which united in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Revolutionary war

    Revolutionary war
    The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, was an 18th-century war between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies which declared independence as the United States of America, and then formed a military alliance
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The United States Declaration of Independence is the pronouncement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania