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Good Ol Days: Important events that happened between 1995-2022

  • Federal Budget crisis in 1995

    Federal Budget crisis in 1995
    This was a federal conflict over funding for education, the environment, and public health. Which lead to a government shutdown until 1996.
  • 1996- Centennial Olympic park bombing

    1996- Centennial Olympic park bombing
    1996- Centennial Olympic park bombing kills 1, injures 111.
  • 1997- World Market Plummets

    1997- World Market Plummets
    1997- Dow Jones's industrial average follows the world market and plummets 7.18% to $7,161.15.
  • 1998- 1999- Clinton.

    1998- 1999- Clinton.
    1998- 1999- Clinton was accused of a sexual relationship with a 22-year-old intern Monica Lewinsky/ impeachment of Clinton.
  • 1999- Columbine High school Shooting

    1999- Columbine High school Shooting
    1999- Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 12 students and 1 teacher at Columbine High school sparking gun debate.
  • 1999- Chicago heat wave

    1999- Chicago heat wave
    The Chicago heat wave that killed 739 people.
  • September 11 Terrorist Attacks

    September 11 Terrorist Attacks
    After 9/11 the New York Stock Exchange had to shut down for a period of time. The estimated damage was over $5 trillion dollars. The unemployment rates fell and GDP. There were 2,996 casualties on September 9th, 2001 with 19 of them being the hijackers themselves. American Airlines flight 767 crashed into the North Twin Tower (8:45)
  • Hurricane Katrina 2005

    Hurricane Katrina 2005
    This massive hurricane created 250 billion dollars worth of damage.
  • The Great Recession/Subprime Crisis

    The Great Recession/Subprime Crisis
    Lax lending standards fueled a housing bubble and when it crashed banks were left holding trillions of dollars of worthless investments in subprime mortgages. This made people lose jobs, money, and homes.
  • 2010- Deep water Horizon

    2010- Deep water Horizon
    On April 20th, The Deepwater Horizon oil rig was exploited in the Gulf of Mexico killing 11 people, leaving 17 injured and 2 days later on April 22nd it capsized and the damaged pipe below the rig started spewing oil into the Gulf.
  • 2012-Hurricane Sandy

    2012-Hurricane Sandy
    This deadly hurricane reached up to 155mph and killed 233 people. This cost the US $50 billion dollars which was the most expensive storm in US history.
  • More immigrants were leaving the U.S.

    More immigrants were leaving the U.S.
    In 2015 more Mexican immigrants were leaving the U.S. than arriving.
  • Covid-19 March 11 2020

    Covid-19 March 11 2020
    Covid-19 was a nationwide pandemic that made millions of people have to go into quarantine and lose their jobs. The US GDP dropped by 8.7% and millions of companies struggled even to stay open.
  • War between Russia and Ukraine 2022

    War between Russia and Ukraine 2022
    This war contributes to making the US's already high inflation worse. Mainly it made oil and energy costs go up.
  • 2022-U.S trades War terrorist for WNBA player

    2022-U.S trades War terrorist for WNBA player
    UNknown still ongoing...